Parent Social and Emotional Learning Acquisition

Our parent development workshops are designed to bolster parent’s social-emotional skills, so they are better able to support students’ social-emotional needs. They also focus on establishing school learning standards and competencies that articulate what parents and students should know and be able to do for academic and Career success.

Goals –

After the attending the workshops, parents will be able to:

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Acquire a knowledge base plus a set of basic skills in Social and Emotional

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Establish authentic family and community

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Foster youth voice, agency, and

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Establish supportive classroom and school climates and approaches to

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Have positive relationships with their

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Enhance adult SEL competence and learn strategies to bolster SEL

Workshop Topics –

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Self-Awareness – Learn to focus on yourself, your actions, thoughts, or Control stress, inner conflict, personal limitations, negativity triggers, appropriate expression, thoughtful and nonviolent problem resolution.

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Self-Management – Learn how to motivate oneself, set personal and academic Students with strong self-management skills arrive to class prepared, pay attention, follow directions, allow others to speak without interruption, and work independently with focus.

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Social Awareness – Social awareness is a crucial component of appropriate classroom behavior, which contributes to an environment conducive to learning. Social awareness is also widely established as an important factor in workforce skills – professionalism, collaboration, communication, and social responsibility.

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Relationship Skills – Learn how to create learning experiences that will teach educational/business communication, relationship management, conflict resolution, professionalism & etiquette, time management, research & analysis, listening skills, and solving problems as a team.

A blue pixel art style picture of a person and gear. Responsible Decision-Making – Develop the competencies to identify the problem, analyze the situation, solve the problem, consider ethical responsibility and be able to evaluate and reflect on one’s Learn the ability to make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms.

Terms: The workshops are 1 hour and 15 minutes long. We recommend doing the SEL as a series of workshops since they build on previous topics.